Charitable Resolutions for the New Year

Every New Year's Eve, we determine to make the next year better than the last. We promise ourselves that we'll eat healthier, get more exercise, save more money, and make more friends. Yet, a month into the resolutions we slowly start to wean off. Why is that? Trace those New Year's resolutions through the years, … Continue reading Charitable Resolutions for the New Year

Vote for, Literacy

“The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.”  This quote may be a 100 years old, but it is still very relevant. Why are we using this today? Because September is Literacy Month and we wanted to send across a reminder to everyone on how important literacy and … Continue reading Vote for, Literacy

Knowledge Knows No Social Barriers

“Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy, and sustainable human development.” - Kofi Anan   Education might be a tool for change, but what if some sections of society cannot afford to invest in this tool? Worse still, they are unaware of the … Continue reading Knowledge Knows No Social Barriers

Building A Society That Serves Society

At Light of Life Trust, we have always been committed to the betterment of the community, so, needless to say, when we see our students selflessly paying it forward, it certainly fills our hearts with immense pride. In spite of dark days, when their urge to serve society surpasses the urge to simply earn money, … Continue reading Building A Society That Serves Society